Lakes of Northville subdivision, Northville, MI
Lakes of Northville subdivision. Lakes of Northville has approximately 304 homes in it. The homes were built during the years of 1979 -1986. The homes are mostly Colonial and Cape Cod style. Most of the homes have , brick/vinyl, brick exteriors, 2 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements. Square footage of the ranch homes range from 1700 - 2100 square ft. Square footage of the colonial homes range from 2000 - 3900 square ft All of the above information is general information. We do not guarantee the information. This is to give a guide to the subdivision. The school district is Northville Schools The location of the subdivision is between 6 and 7 mile roads and between Haggerty and Northville Roads.
The streets that are in the Lakes of Northville subdivision are:
Bradner Rd
Farmcrest Lane
Lilypad Ct
Farmcrest Ct
Pon Valley Dr
Waterfall Rd
Waterwheel Rd
W. Waterwheel Ct
N. Waterwheel Ct
Winchester Dr
Crestview Circle
Pon Meadow Dr
Pon Meadow Ct