Northville Heights subdivision, Northville, MI
Northville Heights subdivision is actually 2 subdivisions. Northville Heights has approximately 158 homes in it. The homes were built during the years of 1958 -1966. The homes are mostly Ranch, Colonial, and split level style. Most of the homes have Aluminum, vinyl, brick/vinyl, brick exteriors, 1 & 2 car attached and detached garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 1 + bathrooms, basements. Square footage of the colonia & split level homes range from 1500 - 2100 square ft. Square footage of the ranch homes range from 1200 - 1700 square ft. All of the above information is general information. We do not guarantee or warant the information. This is to give a guide to the subdivision. The school district is Northville Schools The location of the subdivision is between 8 and 9 mile roads and between Center and Novi Roads
The streets that are in the Northville Heights subdivision are:
Sherrie Dr
Jeffrey Dr
Larry Dr
Ely Dr
Ely Ct
Hillridge St
Debra Lane
Center St