Woodland North subdivision, Northville, MI
Woodlands North subdivision has a homeowners association. Woodlands North has approximately 248 homes in it. The homes were built during the years of 2000 - 2004 and built by Pulte homes. The homes are mostly Colonial and Cape Cod style. Most of the homes have brick/vinyl, brick exteriors, 2 & 3 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements. Square footage of the homes range from 1600 - 2300 square ft. The school district is Northville Schools The location of the subdivision is between 6 and 7 mile roads and between Sheldon and Beck Roads. There are walking paths and some fairly large commons areas. It is relatively close to M-14 expressway to make the commute to Ann Arbor or Detroit. Or I-275 is just a 5 minute drive away to go to Metro airport. .
The streets that are in the Woodlands North subdivision are:
White Pine Circle
White Pine Ct
Black Pine Dr
Oak Hill Dr
Oak Hill Ct
Stonebrook Dr
Springhill Rd
Springhill Ct
Orchard Ridge Rd
Larchwood Dr