Woods of Edenderry subdivision, Northville, MI
Woods of Edenderry subdivision has one homeowners association. Woods of Edenderry has approximately 109 homes in it. The homes were built during the years of 1995 -2004 and were built by Cambridge Homes. The Woods of Edenderry is one of Northville's "high end" subs. The homes are mostly Colonial and Cape Cod style. Most of the homes have brick exteriors, 3 car garages, 4-5 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements. Square footage of the homes range from 2800 - 7100 square ft. Northville High School is right next door so most of the kids can walk to the high school if necessary. The school district is Northville Schools The location of the subdivision is between 6 and 7 mile roads and between Sheldon and Beck Roads.
The streets that are in the Wppds pf Edemderry subdivision are:
Stonebrook Dr
Stonebrook Ct
Cranbrook Dr
Rustic Hills